Joyous dialogue

Soka Gakkai Singapore (SGS), formerly known as the Singapore Soka Association (SSA), is a Buddhist organisation practising Nichiren Buddhism in Singapore since 1967. SGS was officially registered with the Registry of Societies in 1972, and subsequently registered as a Charity under the Charities Act in 1985. Premised on the tradition of Buddhist humanism, SGS is also committed to working towards peace, social harmony and progress.

The term “Soka” means “value-creation”. Basing on the core Buddhist principles of self-empowerment and the interconnectedness of self and the environment, the teaching empowers one with wisdom and spirituality to live a value-creative life and be a positive influence in one’s family, community and society at large.

SGS is part of the international network of affiliated organisations under the parent organisation of the Soka Gakkai that has some 12 million members in 192 countries and territories worldwide. As a non-governmental organization with formal ties to the United Nations, the international body also collaborates with other civil society organisations, intergovernmental agencies and faith groups in the fields of nuclear disarmament, human rights education, sustainable development and humanitarian relief.

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A Value-Creative Living: An Introduction to the Practice of Nichiren Buddhism

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