SSA Conferred the People’s Association Community Partnership Excellence Award

In recognition of SGS’s active contribution to and participation in the community, the People’s Association (PA) conferred upon SSA, the PA Community Partnership Excellence Award, on the evening of 23 October 2018.
Since 2005, the PA Community Spirit Awards have been instituted to recognise efforts of PA’s partnering organisations in bonding the community and building social capital. There are two levels of Awards, namely the Merit and Excellence Awards, presented to organisations who have distinguished themselves in the following areas:
a) Volunteerism Philosophy and Commitment;
b) Community Bonding and Outreach;
c) Sharing and Caring for the Community;
d) Impact and Multiplier Effect on the Community; and
e) Quality of Partnership.
This recognition comes as a great encouragement to the organization following the PA Community Partnership Merit Award, conferred upon SSA in 2016.
Deputy Chairman of the PA, and Minister for Trade and Industry Mr Chan Chun Sing, presented the Award to SSA, which was received by General Director Mr Tay Eng Kiat.
The SSA Sunflower Dance Ensemble also put up a contemporary dance performance entitled “A Million Dreams” as the opening item at the Award Ceremony.