
Following in My Mentor’s Footsteps

I used to attend Soka Gakkai meetings with my mother but lacking understanding of Nichiren Buddhism, I stopped upon entering secondary school. After obtaining a Diploma in Psychology and Community Services and wishing to give back to the community, I needed a degree to embark on my chosen career path. Unfortunately, my grades and financial situation did not allow for it.

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The Mark of a True Victor

I started chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo since I was in preschool and with the encouragement and support of my family, regularly participate in Soka Gakkai Singapore (SGS) activities as well as contribute to the Members Contribution Fund with my own pocket money.

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我是在11岁时开始跟着母亲一 起唱题的,不过是到我加入学生部之后, 才认真修行起来。也在那个时候,我邂逅 了我的先生。他是我第一个折伏的人。

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