Committed to leading a contributive life, SGS Youth Division members strive to bring one’s unique potential to full bloom, as well as enable others to do so, based upon humanistic principles and through engaging in meaningful and value-creative activities.
To promote peace and harmony in society, the SGS Youth Division actively participates in various national events, such as Chingay and National Day Parade, organise exhibitions, symposiums, dialogues, overseas Youth Expedition Projects, as well as engage youths from other community and religious organisations to promote collaborations and interfaith relations.

Buddhism in Action
Singapore Youth Award (Team)
For its excellence in and commitment to community service and youth development, the SGS Youth Division was conferred the Singapore Youth Award (Team) 2005, the highest youth accolade in Singapore.

Youth Engagement News

Let’s E.A.T– Youth Division Formation Day Gathering
In conjunction with July 3, Mentor and Disciple Day, and in commemoration of the 72nd anniversaries of the Young Men Division and Young Women Division’s formation days, which fall on July 11th and July 19th respectively, over the course of two weekends on July 22 to 30, the vibrant youth of SGS came together for tri-regional gatherings.

Beach Clean-up by SGS Youth Division
On 20 May, SGS youth volunteers came together to participate in a beach clean-up activity at Changi Beach. Their collective efforts to contribute to a cleaner and greener environment led to the collection of an impressive 18 kg of waste in one morning! Well done, youth!