Soka Kindergarten K2 Independence Camp at KidZania

From 30 May to 1 June, 89 six-year-old children from the Soka Kindergarten (SK) embarked on an overnight independence camp at KidZania Singapore.
Accompanied by 17 SK staff, the day-and-a-half learning experience consist of various programmes that combines learning and fun, such as role-play challenge, performance night and station games with the objectives of forging closer bonds of friendship, building communication, team work and exchange of learning experiences. As the camp is held at an external location out of the familiar school environment, it develops the children’s mental and physical aspects of learning.
Ms Tang Huixian, the overall teacher in-charge of the camp, shared, “The camp activities develop and reinforce the children’s experiential learning, skills and values through the medium of role-play. The children gained genuine camping experience and were excited to see KidZania in the night atmosphere.”