SSA Presented with the People’s Association Community Spirit Community Partnership (Merit) Award 2020

Congratulations to all! SSA has been presented with the People’s Association Community Spirit (PACS) Community Partnership (Merit) Award conferred by the People’s Association for year 2020. SSA Chairperson Chan Mei Wah, together with General Director Tay Eng Kiat, received the Award from PA Director (SCENE) Ms Tan Swee Leng on 5 March at the SSA Headquarters. This is the third consecutive year that SSA has been honoured with this prestigious community service award.
The award takes into account SSA’s involvement in numerous community projects and partnerships made in 2020 and recognises community partners for bonding the community and building social capital through various programmes which serve residents’ needs. Recipients’ contributions are assessed based on five main areas of contribution:
(a) Volunteerism Philosophy and Commitment;
(b) Community Bonding and Outreach;
(c) Sharing and Caring for the Community;
(d) Impact and Multiplier Effect on the Community; and
(e) Quality of Partnership.
Our sincere appreciation to all members for your support and congratulations to SSA on the recognition!