“Seeds of Hope” Exhibition goes to Nanyang Polytechnic and UN Seminar

For more than a year, SSA Student Division members from Nanyang Polytechnic had been tirelessly sharing about the meaningful and empowering message conveyed through the “Seeds of Hope: Visions of sustainability steps towards change” exhibition amongst student clubs and their lecturers. Their efforts culminated in the holding of the exhibition, which is a joint initiative by the Soka Gakkai International and the Earth Charter International, at the school’s Atrium in conjunction with NYP Friendship Day on 13 July 2011. The exhibition attracted some 250 viewers, many of whom were so inspired that they penned their pledge for peace on a pledge card after learning from the exhibition.
On 23 July, the exhibition was showcased at the UN Seminar 2011 organised by the United Nations Association of Singapore (UNAS). Themed “Challenges to Global Sustainable Development, the seminar was attended by 120 teachers, students and youth leaders. In appreciation, UNAS Vice President Mr Lee Kwang Boon shared, “Many thanks to SSA and SGI for this great work and effort. This exhibition is useful, information and clearly shows that sustainability needs to be our way of life.”

The environmental exhibition titled “Seeds of Change” was showcased at previous year’s UNAS seminar.