Prof Leo Tan Speaks at Fifth SSA Student Peace Lecture

Professor Leo Tan’s speech captivated some 300 invited guests, educators and students gathered on the evening of September 15, 2009 at the Ngee Ann Kongsi Auditorium of the Singapore Management University (SMU). The lecture was co-organised by SSA, the University Scholars Programme of the National University of Singapore and the Wee Kim Wee Centre of the SMU. Associate Professor Kirpal Singh, Director of Wee Kim Wee Centre of the SMU chaired the lecture.

In his lecture, Prof Tan touched upon his many years of vast experience and devotion to local environmental education work. He deeply impressed an awe-inspired audience about Singapore’s richness in biodiversity, as well as the tremendous potential and opportunities that abound from raising greater public awareness and attention on local conservation projects, such as Chek Jawa, Sungei Buloh and Pulau Semakau.

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