Third SSA Student Peace Lecture held @ Singapore Management University

The third SSA Student Peace Lecture was held at the Singapore Management University (SMU) on November 21. Newspapers Columnist, Advisor and Former President of Malaysian Aids Council, Datin Paduka Marina Mahathir was the distinguished speaker sharing to the crowd of some 250 who packed the Ngee Ann Kongsi Auditorium. Chairing the lecture was Prof Kirpal Singh from SMU, Associate Professor of English Literature and Creative Thinking.

Inaugurated since 2005, this lecture series is an initiative to promote dialogue and learning on issues related to education and peace. Into its third year running, this year’s lecture saw the collaboration between Singapore Soka Association, Lee Kong Chian University Scholars Programme of SMU, University Scholars Programme of National University of Singapore (NUS), and the Malay Studies Department of NUS.

Speaking on the topic, “Youth, Internet and Democracy”, Datin Paduka Marina Mahathir covered intriguing observations of the current trends in internet literacy, its impacts on the people and their lives. The Question and Answer session that ensued provided an engaging exchange between amongst the audience and the speaker.

Director of SMU Wee Kim Wee Centre Prof Ong Siow Heng commented that the lecture was a wonderful opportunity for the three institutions to partner and expressed his views that such collaborations should be continued annually.

[About SSA Student Peace Lecture
The SSA Student Peace Lecture seeks to provide a platform to promote greater understanding of the purpose of education, especially in the context of complex societal changes and challenges. It also aims at promoting a greater awareness of the importance of education in bringing forth students’ potential and in inspiring inner-motivated potential for youths to lead more meaningful and fulfilling lives, and be of service to society.

The speaker for the inaugural lecture held on February 5, 2005 at the SSA Headquarters, was Associate Prof Agnes Chang Shook Cheong, Psychological Studies Academic Group, from National Institute of Education (NIE) who lectured on the topic “Education for Global Citizenship”. Guest-of-Honour for this event, Minister of State for Education Mr Chan Soo Sen, gave a keynote speech.

The Second Student Peace Lecture was held on September 30, 2006 at the SSA Headquarters, where Professor Cham Tao Soon, former President (1981-2002), University Distinguished Professor of Nanyang Technological University spoke on “Education – The Singapore Perspective”. The Chairperson was Professor Leo Tan Wee Hin, Director of National Institute of Education. This event received the endorsement and supported by the National Youth Council through a Youth Development Fund Grant.]