SSA Joins the Inter-Religious Organization In Making A Statement on Promoting Greater Religious Harmony

SSA joined the Inter-Religious Organization of Singapore (IRO) in making a statement on promoting greater religious harmony in a multi-racial and multi-religious society.

This gathering of 40 religious leaders from 10 different faiths was held in response to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s call to all Singaporeans to take on greater ownership of continued existence as a multi-racial and multi-religious society in Singapore.

Held at the local hotel Royal Plaza on Scotts on April 2, the event was attended by some 40 religious leaders of diverse faiths. SSA Vice General Director Mr Chan Heng Yuen represented SSA at the event, conveying SSA’s commitment to join the IRO in promoting greater inter-religious harmony in the spirit of the SGI Charter.

(SSA Times issue 236)