Men Division

Women Division

Young Men Division

Young Women Division
The Young Women Division (YWD) comprises female youth members below the age of 40. Also known as the Kayo-kai (“Ka” representing “sun”, “yo” representing “flower” and “kai” representing “group”) members, the YWD strives to foster young women to be “as beautiful as flowers and proud as the sun”, as they endeavour to build an eternal foundation of faith in their lives based on Buddhist study; living out their youth with joy and fulfilment.

Student Groups
Student Division

Future Division
The Future Division (FD) was established on August 21st, 1993. It comprises student members from all levels in secondary school. FD members are fostered as the successors for the future. Activities are aimed at developing their strength of character and leadership capabilities for the important role they will play in the 21st century.
The division has held its own musical such as “The King and I”, which saw the display of various talents. Though young at age, these members are nevertheless serious in their Buddhist faith and practice as they remain earnest in their studies.

Primary Division
The Primary Division (PD) was established in August 1993. It comprises primary school students aged from 7 to 12 years who are also known as “Lion Cubs”. Since 2003, this division has been under the care of a group of dedicated Women Division leaders and members lovingly called the Sunshine Aunties.
PD children attend monthly activities that are held at the comfort of members’ homes island wide. Through these gatherings, the children’s creativity is set free, talents are displayed and strong bonds of lasting friendships are forged.