SGS Arts and Culture Groups Recruitment 2024
Soka Gakkai Singapore promotes and supports arts events and cultural activities with the objective to foster members’ potential and to contribute to the community.
Currently, more than 500 members are actively involved in the 13 choral, movement and musical family showcasing their performances at numerous in-house and community events.
Recruitment Period: 15 April – 1 June 2024
Open to all SGS Members only (with no other Function Groups’ responsibilities)
Recruitment Information
Recruitment Groups | Movement Family – Golden Lion Dance Troupe (Young Men Division) – Gym Core (Young Men Division) – Peony Group (Women Division) – Sunflower Dance Ensemble (Young Women Division) Musical Family – Courageous Musicians (Young Men Division) – Fife-and-Drum Corps (Kotekitai) (Young Women Division) – Rainbow Chinese Orchestra (4 Divisions) – Soka New Century Orchestra (4 Divisions) Choral Family – Soka Chorus (4 Divisions) – Soka Junior Choir (Primary & Future Division) – Rhythm of Peace (Men Division) – Tulip Choir (Women Division) |
Training Venue | Soka Culture Centre 8 Jurong West Street 76, Singapore 648369 |
Audition | All applicants will need to go through a scheduled audition and interview. |
Application | Link to Registration Form: https://boeportal.sokasingapore.org/groupregistration Closing date for application: 1 June 2024 Applicants will be notified for audition by 10 June 2024 |
Recruitment Groups Details:
Golden Lion Dance Troupe

Eligibility | The SGS Golden Lion Dance Troupe was formed in 1979 by a group of Young Men Division (YMD) members who shared a keen interest in the art of Lion Dance. Over the years, the group gradually evolved to incorporate martial arts in their trainings and has also served as a groundswell for fostering capable YMDs for the organisation. Division: Young Men Division Age: 7 years old and above Commitment: Every Saturday (3.30pm – 7pm) Skill requirements: Physically Fit |
Gym Core

Eligibility | Officially formed in 1985 with the motto “Making the Impossible Possible through Itai-Doshin (Unity)”, the Gym Core Group comprises dedicated YMD members who strive to inspire others through their calisthenic performances. Through the regular trainings of the Gym Core group, many batches of YMDs have forged strong bonds of unity through their shared struggles and are currently contributing actively at the forefront of the organisation. Division: Young Men Division Age: 13 years old and above Commitment: Every Sunday (8.30am – 1pm) Skill requirements: Physically Fit |
Peony Group

Eligibility | The Peony Group, a Women Division (WD) Dance Group, was formed on August 8, 2009 with the objective of fostering the creative potential of each individual. Through their performances, Peony Group aims to bring joy and hope to the community, promoting goodwill and friendship. Division: Women Division Age: 55 years old and below Commitment: Every Saturday (2pm – 6pm) Skill requirements: Dance background in Ballet, Contemporary, Chinese or Jazz dance will be an advantage. |
Sunflower Dance Ensemble

Eligibility | The Sunflower Group was named Modern Dance Group at its inception in 1983 and had participated actively in many cultural performances. It was later renamed Sunflower Dance Ensemble (SDE) in 2006. The group comprises YWD members who constantly strive to explore diverse dance genres in every performance, challenging all difficulties through courage, perseverance and pure faith. Division: Young Women Division Age: 33 years old and below Commitment: Every Sunday (9am – 1pm) Skill requirements: Passion for dance, keen to discover and unleash your potential! |
Soka New Century Orchestra

Eligibility | The Soka New Century Orchestra (SNCO) was officially formed with the objective of spreading hope and joy to all people through music. Since the early 90s, the group has held a series of concerts titled “Symphony of Joy”, joint concerts with other local bands, and collaborated with several guest conductors on a number of workshops. One of the significant achievements by the group was the Gold Award in the Harmony Band 3rd Division at the “14th World Music Contest 2001” held in Kerkrade, Netherlands. Division: 4 Divisions Age: 13 – 60 years old Commitment: Every Sunday (9am – 1pm) Skill requirements: Knowledge of basic music theory, or ability to play Brass/Percussion instruments preferred. List of instruments: Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass, Flute / Piccolo, Clarinet, Saxophone, Oboe, Bassoon, Trumpet, Trombone, French Horn, Euphonium, Tuba, Percussion. |
Rainbow Chinese Orchestra

Eligibility | Rainbow Chinese Orchestra was formed in the 1970s before it was officially name Rainbow Chinese Orchestra in 1991. As a 4 division group, diversity is our unique strength as a culture group. Just as the Buddhist concept of cherry, plum, peach and damson, the Group firmly believes that each has a unique mission to fulfil as Bodhisattva Wonderful Sound through their regular and earnest practice. Division: 4 Divisions Age: 15 to 50 years old Commitment: Every Sunday (9am – 1pm) Skill requirements: Possess a desire to contribute to kosen-rufu through music. Prior experience in playing a Chinese Orchestra instrument will be favourably considered. Candidates with experience in music arrangement and keen to arrange pieces for Chinese instruments may also apply. |
Courageous Musicians

Eligibility | Renamed “Courageous Musicians” on July 10, 1994,the band seeks to inspire its members towards becoming courageous individuals, striving for the happiness of humanity. With renewed sense of mission to propel the band forward, the guards group was also established in the same year. It has since embarked on various public performances and represent SGS in performances at the community and National level on a regular basis. Division: Young Men Division Age: 11 years old and above Commitment: Every Sunday (1pm – 5pm) Skill requirements: We are recruiting for colour guards – Good sense of rhythm and movement. Interest in dance is required. |
Fife-and-Drum Corps (Kotekitai)

Eligibility | The Fife-and-Drum Corps was established on July 16, 1975 with the mission of “emissaries of peace”. It comprises a marching band and a baton twirlers dance group. Comprising of only Young Women Division members, Kotekitai’s mission is to spread peace and happiness through her music and dance. Division: Young Women Division Age: 10-15 years old Commitment: Every Sunday (9am – 1pm) Skill requirements: If you are interested to join the baton group: Good sense of rhythm and interest in dance is required If you are interested to join the music band: 12 years old & below: no music background required Above 12 years old: either music theory/ prior instrumental background is required. |
Soka Chorus

Eligibility | In the early 1980s, the YMD Choir and YWD Choir were formed as platform for fostering the youths. After the Youth Peace Culture Festival in 1985, the Youth Choir was formed and it eventually evolved into a Four Division Choir in 1990. It was renamed as Soka Chorus in 1993 and began to participate in community events. Besides performing at SGS events, the Soka Chorus also actively participates in community events and collaborate with other choirs to share the joy of singing. Division: 4 Divisions Age: 15 to 50 years old Commitment: Every Saturday (6pm – 9.30pm) Skill requirements: Able to sing in tune. Prior music knowledge can be helpful, but not essential. Other requirement: Passion to sing. Have the heart to commit and contribute to kosen-rufu through choral singing. |
Rhythm of Peace

Eligibility | The Rhythm of Peace, formed in 1990, is a Men Division Choir that seeks to spread peace through its choral performances. The group has performed at several SGS events and community functions. Division: Men Division Age: 65 years old and below Commitment: Bi-weekly on Sunday (9am – 1pm) Skill requirements: Passion in singing and basic music knowledge |
Tulip Choir

Eligibility | The Tulip Chorus, which comprises members from the SGS Women Division, was formed on November 10, 1995. The Tulip Chorus seeks to contribute towards peace and happiness in society through their cultural endeavours. Division: Women Division Age: 60 years old and below Commitment: Bi-weekly on Sunday (2pm – 6pm) Skill requirements: Passion in singing |
Soka Junior Choir

Eligibility | The Soka Junior Choir was formed in 1993. It provides opportunity for youth members who love to sing to give full play to their potential as well as to spread the joy of living through music. Division: Primary and Future Division Age: 9 – 14 years old Commitment: Every Saturday (3pm -5pm) Skill requirements: Possess keen interest in singing |
招生时段:2024年4月15日 – 6月1 日
招生的小组 | 律动组 – 金狮团(男子部) – 健身操组(男子部) – 牡丹组(妇人部) – 向日葵舞蹈坊(女子部) 音乐组 – 勇音者组(男子部) – 鼓笛队(女子部) – 创价新世纪乐团(四部) – 彩虹华乐团(四部) 合唱组 – 创价合唱团(四部) – 和平韵律(壮年部) – 郁金香合唱团(妇人部) – 创价少年合唱团(小学部及未来部) |
训练场地 | 创价文化会馆,位于8号,裕廊西76街,邮区648369 |
甄选 | 所有申请者都必须经过预定的甄选和面试。 |
申请详情 | 申请表格链接:https://boeportal.sokasingapore.org/groupregistration 截止日期: 2024年6月1日 申请者将在2024年6月10日前接到通知参加甄选。 |

资格 | 成立于1979年,由一群热爱舞狮的男子部员组成。经过多年,该团逐渐演变成将武术融入于训练中,也作为培育学会男子部后继的平台。 部别:男子部 年龄: 7岁及以上 练习时段: 每个星期六(下午3点30分至晚上7点) 技能要求:身体强壮 |

资格 | 于1985年成立,口号是“通过异体同心精神,使不可能成为可能”。健身操组成员由致力于通过健身操启发他人的男子部员组成。通过定期的训练,许多届的男子部成员在一起奋斗下缔结了深厚的团结纽带,他们目前在学会的前线积极做出贡献。 部别:男子部 年龄:13岁及以上 练习时段:每个星期天(上午8点30分至下午1点) 技能要求:身体强壮 |

资格 | 牡丹组,妇人部的舞蹈组,成立于2009年8月8日。旨在培育每个成员的创意潜能。牡丹组希望通过她们的表演,带给社区欢喜与希望,推广友好与友情。 部别:妇人部 年龄: 55岁及以下 练习时段: 每个星期六(下午2点至傍晚6点) 技能要求: 有芭蕾、现代、华族或爵士舞蹈的背景是优势。 |

资格 | 于1983年成立时称为现代舞蹈组,活跃参与许多学会的文化表演。之后于2006年重新命名为向日葵舞蹈坊。该组由女子部员组成, 她们时时致力于在每一场表演探索多元的舞蹈类型,通过勇敢、坚韧和纯粹的信心挑战一切困难。 部别:女子部 年龄: 33岁及以下 练习时段: 每个星期天(上午9点至下午1点) 技能要求: 对舞蹈抱有热忱,有兴趣发掘和发挥你的潜能。 |

资格 | 创价新世纪乐团秉持通过音乐给周遭的人带来希望与喜悦的宗旨而正式成立。自1990年代初,该乐团就举办题为“欢乐的交响乐”系列的演奏会、与本地的乐团联合呈献表演,也与数位指挥嘉宾合作主办数场工作坊。该乐团的其中一项卓越成就,是在荷兰的凯尔克拉德举行的“2001年第14届世界音乐比赛”之和谐乐团第三组中,荣获金奖。 部别: 四部 年龄: 13岁至60岁 练习时段: 每个星期天(上午9点至下午1点) 技能要求: 最好有基本的音乐理论知识,或能演奏铜管乐器/打击乐器等。 乐器:小提琴、中提琴、大提琴、低音提琴、长笛/短笛、单簧管、萨克斯管、双簧管、巴松管、小号、长号、圆号、上低音号、大号、打击乐器。 |

资格 | 成立于上世纪70年代,1991年才正式命名为彩虹华乐团。作为一个由四部组员组成的乐团,多元化是该文化小组的特色。正如樱梅桃李的佛法原理一样,团员坚信每个人都有其独特的使命。会员希望通过认真、不断的练习,完成妙音菩萨的使命。 部别:四部 年龄: 15至50岁 练习时段: 每个星期天(上午9点至下午1点) 技能要求: 希望通过音乐为广宣流布做出贡献的意愿。能演奏华族乐器者优先考虑。有编曲经验并热衷于华族乐器编曲者也可申请。 |

资格 | 于1994年7月10日改名为“勇音者”。该组希望触发成员成长为勇敢的人,并为人类的幸福努力。秉持新的使命感推进乐队前进,同年成立了旗手小组。自此,该组已在各种公共场合呈献表演,也定期代表SGS在社区和全国性的活动上演出。 部别:男子部 年龄:11岁及以上 练习时段: 每个星期天(下午1点至5点) 技能要求: 我们正在招募旗手 —— 有良好的节奏感和动作感。 需要对舞蹈有兴趣。 |

资格 | 鼓笛队成立于1975年7月16日,使命是“和平天使”。该团由军乐队和耍棒舞蹈组组成。由女子部员组成的鼓笛队,其使命是通过音乐和舞蹈传播和平与幸福的信息。 部别:女子部 年龄:10至15岁 练习时段: 每个星期天(上午9点至下午1点) 技能要求: 有兴趣加入耍棒组者: • 要有良好的节奏感及对舞蹈有兴趣。 有兴趣加入音乐队者: • 12岁及以下:不需要有音乐底子。 • 12岁以上:需要有音乐理论/ 能演奏乐器。 |

资格 | 1980年代初,成立了男子部歌咏队和女子部歌咏队,作为培育青少年的平台。1985年青年和平文化节后,成立了青年合唱团。1990年发展为四部合唱团。1993年改名为创价合唱团,并开始参与社区活动。除了在SGS的活动中表演之外,创价合唱团还积极参加社区活动,并与其他合唱团合作,分享歌唱的快乐。 部别:四部 年龄: 15至50岁 练习时段: 每个星期六(晚上6点至晚上9点30分) 技能要求: 能唱得合调。无需音乐知识,但若有的话是优势。 其他要求:热爱唱歌。 有心通过合唱为广宣流布做出贡献。 |

资格 | 成立于1990年的“和平韵律”是一个壮年部合唱团,旨在通过其合唱表演传播和平的信息。该团曾在一些SGS活动和社区活动中演出。 部别:壮年部 年龄: 65岁及以下 练习时段: 每两周一次的星期天(上午9点至下午1点) 技能要求: 对歌唱抱有热忱及有基本音乐知识 |

资格 | 成立于1995年11月10日,会员来自SGS妇人部。郁金香合唱团力求通过其文化活动为社会的和平与幸福做出贡献。 部别:妇人部 年龄: 60岁及以下 练习时段: 每两周一次的星期天(下午2点至6点) 技能要求: 对歌唱抱有热忱 |

资格 | 成立于1993年。它为热爱唱歌的青年会员提供了充分发挥自己潜能的机会,并通过音乐传播生活的喜悦。 部别:小学部及未来部 年龄: 9岁至14岁 练习时段: 每个星期六(下午3点至5点) 技能要求: 对唱歌有浓厚的兴趣 |