New SGS Leadership Announcement
At the ‘1.26 Leaders Commemorative Meeting – SGS New Departure’ held on 27 January 2024, SGI Director Dr Akash Keiji Ouchi, on behalf of SGI General Director Mr Yoshitaka Oba, announced the following new national leadership appointments that were approved by Ikeda Sensei in October 2023, signalling a new chapter of SGS’s kosen-rufu:
General Director: Goh Kim Hua
Honorary General Director: Tay Eng Kiat
Senior Advisor: Ong Bon Chai

Newly-appointed General Director Mr Goh Kim Hua, 57, has been a member of SGS since 1969. Over his years of faith, he has held various key positions in the Men Division, Youth Division and Study Department. He joined SGS as a full-time staff in 2019. He is also a member of the SGS Management Committee. He is appointed as the fourth SGS General Director.

Honorary General Director Mr Tay Eng Kiat, 70, joined SGS since 1971 and has held key appointments in the Men and Youth Division. Mr Tay has served as the third General Director for the past 12 years since 2011. In May 2012, he became a full-time staff to oversee and manage the operations of SGS. He is also a member of the SGS Management Committee.

Mr Ong Bon Chai, 77, is appointed as SGS Senior Advisor. He succeeded first General Director Mr Koh Kian Boon in 1993 and was SGS’s second General Director for 18 years before he became the Honorary General Director.


郑永吉名誉理事长,现年70岁,自1971年加入SGS后,曾在壮年部和青年部担任要职。郑先生自2011年起,在过去的12年担任第三任理事长。2012年 5月,他成为全职职员,监管SGS的运营。他也是SGS管理委员会成员
