Recruitment for Chingay Parade 2025

Calling out to all SGS members aged 18 to 65 years old from Region 4 and 7!

We are looking for 200 4-Division participants to represent SGS in Chingay Parade 2025 that will showcase joyful and vibrant communities.

This will be SGS’s 41st year of participation in the annual Chingay Parade, so do come join us to experience this parade of a lifetime!

How to Join?

1) Criteria

a) Open to all 4 Division members, believers and new friends from Region 4 and 7.

  • Aged 18 to 65 years old;
  • Singaporeans or PR;
  • New friend must be accompanied by a member or leader;
  • Leaders (including Advisors) may participate if their discussion meeting falls on Sunday and/or if they are accompanying new friend(s)/ member (s) from their districts, and supported by the Region leaders.
  • Function group members who are interested must abide by the individual groups’ guidelines on joining cultural events.
  • Recruitment is not applicable for members from the Arts and Culture groups.

b) Health

  • In good health and able to stand for long hours;
  • Anyone under regular medication and/or have pre-existing medical conditions would need to declare on the application form accordingly.

c) Training

  • Able to commit for trainings every Wednesdays and Saturdays.

2) Recruitment and Audition

Recruitment and Audition Day 1
02 November 2024, Sat, 10am – 4pm
Venue: Senja Soka Centre (11 Senja Road), Level 2

➢ Recruitment and Audition Day 2
03 November 2024, Sun, 10am – 4pm
Venue: Senja Soka Centre (11 Senja Road), Level 2

Attire: Please come in t-shirt and stretchable pants with socks (no jeans or shorts please).

For enquiries, please email to

2025 年妆艺大游行招募表演者

区域总部 4 及 7 的所有 18 至 65 岁的会员们,请留意!

我们正在招募 200 名四部的会员及朋友,代表 SGS 参加 2025 年妆艺大游行的表演,展示欢乐与充满活力的社区。

这将是 SGS 第 41 次参与这个年度的妆艺大游行,诚邀您加入我们,共同体验这一难忘的盛会!


1) 条件

a) 区域总部 4 及 7 的四部会员、会友和新朋友均可参加。

  • 年龄在18至65岁之间
  • 新加坡公民或永久居民
  • 新朋友必须由会员或干事陪同
  • 如果干事(包括参与)的座谈会是在星期日举行,和/或如果他们陪同该地区的 新朋友/会员,并得到区域总部干事的支持,则可参加
  • 有兴趣参加的营运组员必须遵守各组关于参加文化活动的指针
  • 不招募文化与艺术组成员

b) 健康状况

  • 身体健康,能长时间站立
  • 所有定期服药者及/或有现存疾病者均需在申请表上作出声明

c) 训练

  • 能够参加每个星期三和星期六的训练


➢ 第一个招募和征选日
11 月 2 日,星期六,上午 10 点至下午 4 点
地点: 信佳创价会馆 (11 Senja Road) 二楼

➢ 第二个招募和征选日
11 月 3 日,星期日,上午 10 点至下午 4 点
地点: 信佳创价会馆 (11 Senja Road) 二楼

服装: 请穿 T 恤和有弹性的裤子及袜子(请勿穿牛仔裤或短裤)。
