The Wisdom for Creating Happiness and Peace (New Edition)–Part 1 Happiness

The new edition of Selected Excerpts of President Ikeda’s Guidance: The Wisdom for Creating Happiness and Peace: Part 1 Happiness that has been complied by President Ikeda after he had completed The New Human Revolution in 2018. This new edition has been expanded, edited and re-categorized.
It contains the official guidance from the vast array of President Ikeda’s guidance that have been delivered over the past decades. It touches on the fundamental perspectives and spirit of Nichiren Buddhism on life. There are 10 chapters in this book, including topics such as What is True Happiness, The Practice for Transforming Our State of Life, Transforming Suffering Into Joy, Facing illness, Joy in Both Life and Death.
In the “Preface” of the book, President Ikeda writes: “I would like to dedicate this book, a collection of words of encouragement that embody the oneness of mentor and disciple, to Presidents Makiguchi and Toda and entrust it to our precious successors.”
It is a book that President Ikeda has compiled for everyone, hence anyone can be empowered to prevail over any adversity in life and help others do the same.