Soka Gakkai Singapore (SGS), formerly known as the Singapore Soka Association (SSA), firmly believes in the social role and contribution of Buddhism and is committed to working towards the development of peace, culture and education. 

SGS actively participates and promotes community activities in the areas of active volunteerism, cultural events, education and peace efforts, and interfaith engagements. These activities also serve to propel youth and women empowerment in the organisation.

Active Volunteerism

Active Volunteerism

Forging friendships and contributing to the well-being of society based on the Buddhist principle of respect for the dignity of life.

Cultural Activities

Promoting arts and cultural activities with the objective to foster members’ talents and potential and transcend all divides.

Education and Peace Efforts

Promoting a culture of peace through various value-creating events held at the community level. These activities aim to nurture wisdom and enable an individual’s potential to blossom to the fullest.

Interfaith Activities

Promoting peaceful and harmonious coexistence in our multi-cultural society.

Youth Engagement

Fostering our youthful successors, the protagonists of the future!

Women Empowerment

To inspire in women, the ability to transform their lives and lead meaningful existences of positive contributions.