Falls Prevention Talk by Changi General Hospital
On 5 October, SGS Women Division (WD) collaborated with the Changi General Hospital to organise a Falls Prevention talk for Lily Group members (WD members aged 60 years and above), with some 800 WD members in attendance.
CGH Senior Staff Nurse Guo Lin shared useful information and tips on how one can prevent falls at the engaging session. They are:
1️) Keep bones strong and have a calcium rich diet;
2️) Go for annual eye checks;
3) Keep your home safe and neat;
4) Wear well-fitted non-slip footwear;
5) Stay healthy and exercise regularly; and
6) Seek treatment for postural hypotension
Three WD attendees shared their impressions:
“A very impressive and informative talk. I believe all participants have benefitted from it.”
~ Mdm Diana Lee
“I have learned a lot, such as switching on the lights when getting up at night, wearing anti-slip footwear, things to pay attention to when falling, etc. Although I have heard it before, it is a good reminder.”
~ Mdm Seng Hui Chin
“Wow! I really appreciate the speaker’s sharing. I have benefitted greatly and hope to have more of such talks in the future.”
~ Mdm Sim Kim Choo