Joyful Interaction with Residents from St. Andrew’s Nursing Home (Henderson)

On May 6 and 20, forty SSA volunteers spent two meaningful afternoons with forty senior residents from the St. Andrew’s Nursing Home (Henderson), “SANH”, engaging them over dialogues and personal makeovers based on the theme “60’s A-go-go Fashion”. Besides bringing joy and interacting with the elderly, it also provided the opportunity for us to forge a friendship with our neighbours as SANH is located next to Soka Peace Centre.
As the weekend coincided with Mother’s Day, volunteers from the SSA Women Division Passion Group and Young Women Division Bluebelle Group (both SSA function Groups with members who have interest in make-up), transported the senior citizens back to the time of their youth through a wide selection of retro-themed accessories and make-up. Individual makeover photographs were also presented to them at the end of the session as souvenirs.
In a quote by SGI President Ikeda, he says “In any endeavor, the final stages of completion, the finishing touches, are important. Equally, the final outcome of our life is determined by how we live our final chapter, how we bring our life to completion.”
SSA Women Division Chief Sek Soon Heng shared, “Based on the spirit of cherishing every single individual, we hope to bring the senior citizens great joy through our interaction and culture performances for them. I believe our presence today has uplifted their spirits, inject positivity and brought forth the inherent beauty in them.”

Young Women Division Bluebelle Group Chief Tan Huimin added, “We are delighted to be given this opportunity to contribute our skills and bring joy to the senior citizens. We truly enjoyed and appreciated the interaction with them and look forward to more of such meaningful sessions again.”