SSA Joins Polish Embassy, UNAS and National Library Board in Hosting Exhibition

SSA joined the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Singapore, the United Nations Association of Singapore (UNAS), and the National Library Board of Singapore, in co-hosting an exhibition of posters held from September 4 to 27 at the National Library.

The artwork of these posters were primarily done by eminent Polish print makers and young Polish artists. They were submitted in a poster competition initiated by the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs last year, to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations (UN).

Among some 50 distinguished guests at the opening ceremony were HE Ambassador of Poland to Singapore Bouguslaw Marcin Majewski, President of The United Nations Association of Singapore (UNAS) Prof Tham Seong Chee, and SSA Chairman Ong Bon Chai.
The exhibition addressed two inter-related questions namely, “What does the United Nations embody and represent?” and “What does the United Nations mean to me as a human being and as a citizen of the world?”

President of UNAS Prof Tham Seong Chee shared, “The theme that runs through this collection of poster paintings is a renewed call for solidarity and unity. We hope that through such efforts, we could arouse in young Singaporeans a sense of appreciation of how visual art can help create awareness and convey the message of the United Nations. Such different perspectives and views presented artistically are indeed very thought-provoking.”

(SSA Times issue 247)