SSA Participates in Inaugural Harmony Walk Celebrating Multi-Ethnicity and Religiosity

On July 6, some 200 SSA members participated in the inaugural National Orange Ribbon Celebrations, jointly organized by, Self-Help Groups, Community Development Councils (CDCs), People’s Association and Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports (MCYS)This event aims to promote racial and religious harmony by showcasing our diverse multi-ethnic and multi-national communities’ customs and traditions. Guest of Honour for this event was Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister of MCYS.

The participants joined in a 30-minute walk with some 5,000 people from religious, grassroots organizations, schools and community organizations. Thereafter, participants join in a street parade of colourful display of various ethnic music, dance, costumes and food. The Orange Ribbon which celebrates the multi-ethnicity and religiosity was also launched at the event where most of the participants were encouraged to wear orange.

About Organisation
Launched by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in May 2007, the organization focuses efforts on race relations and to champion racial harmony initiatives in Singapore.