SSA Receives Community Partner Award from Dover Park Hospice

Over the past 15 years, SSA has been a close partner of Dover Park Hospice with members from our Soka Volunteers Group (SVG) engaging the terminally-ill patients through bi-weekly visits at the Hospice each month. During these engagements, our SVG members would be at the wards befriending the patients, interacting with them and lifting their spirits through songs and snacks.
These efforts were acknowledged by DPH this year through a special plaque and Certificate of Appreciation presentation by CEO Mr Timothy Liu to SSA General Director Tay Eng Kiat on 26 October at the SSA Headquarters.
Mr Timothy Liu shares:
“We are very thankful to the Soka Volunteers, for their dedication to our cause for the past 15 years. It is no easy feat for the volunteers to make time on Sundays to come to our Hospice twice a month, year after year!
In addition, the toasts and coffee/tea they made for the patients were very well-received. The Soka Volunteers often sing for and along with our patients, bringing them smiles and brightening up their Sundays. Truly appreciate the support of everyone from the Singapore Soka Association!”
When asked on her thoughts on volunteering with SVG at DPH over the years, Ms Lily Han, the SVG in-charge at DPH shares,
“Giving the patients a listening ear over tea is one of the simplest joys I have experienced since SSA started this programme at Dover Park Hospice. Based on the hope-filled philosophy of Nichiren Buddhism, I am grateful and convinced that my mission in SVG can bring joy and courage to people in need.”
Congratulations to all and let’s continue to show our care and concern to people who are in need.