SSA Student and Youth Groups Perform at MILK Run 2008

On the Youth Day of July 6, SSA Future Division and Student Division members performed at the MILK (Mainly I Love Kids) Run, a charity run that aims to raise funds for at-risk youth and children. This event is organized by the voluntary welfare organization, the Beyond Social Services. Guest of Honour for this event was Senior Parliamentary Secretary, Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports (MCYS) and Ministry of Transport, Mr Teo Ser Luck.

SSA students performed at the launch of the run, where some 180 Future Division members put up a dynamic Mass Dance and some 90 Student Division put up a rousing Stomp performance. Another SSA youth group also performed a vibrant dance for the audience present.

Since 2001, the Milk Run has been a National Youth Day event that brings together disadvantaged and mainstream youths in a celebration of promise and vitality. It targets to raise funds for anti-delinquency programmes for children and youths from disadvantaged families; celebrate youth day by bringing together young people from diverse backgrounds in the spirit of friendship, co-operation and unity; and to involve the community in the anti-delinquency cause and promote understanding of youth issues.