SSA Youth Expedition Project to the People’s Republic of China

Building Golden Bridges of Friendship

From December 8 to 23, a group of 38 SSA Youth participants, including 2 new friends, braved the winter cold to embark on a life-changing journey to Yunnan Province on “Project SHINE”–SSA Youth Expedition Project (YEP) to the People’s Republic of China.

With the aim of developing youth and fostering understanding and friendship across cultures, SSA has been organising such service learning expeditions since 2003. These projects are supported by the National Youth Council.

Memories of their time spent in China and friendship forged with the local people, as well as among team-mates, had been well etched in the heart of every participant. The participants returned to Singapore stronger, wiser, and more appreciative of things around them.

(SSA Times issue 479)