SSA Choral Groups perform at UN Commemorative Event

The SSA Soka Chorus and Soka Junior Choir supported an event hosted by the United Nations Association of Singapore (UNAS) on October 24. The event was held to commemorate the 68th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations. The two choirs presented a rendition of songs from diverse cultures in celebration of the event, which also marked United Nations Day 2013, as well as the beginning of the International Year of Water Co-operation and International Year of Quinoa (a traditional food staple cultivated in the Andes).

SSA General Director Tay Eng Kiat, Vice General Directors Tan Hiang Keng and Michael Yap, youth representatives, and their invited guests Professor Wang Gungwu, Associate Professor Syed Farid Alatas and Adjunct Professor Jǿrgen Ørstrǿm Mǿller, attended the event.

(SSA Times issue 476)