SSA NDP 2017 – Growing Together as One Family
560 members and friends from the four divisions represented SSA at National Day Parade (NDP) 2017. Striving in the spirit of “many in body, one in mind”, they put up an elegant and impressive performance on August 9 in front of some 25,000-strong crowd and millions more who were watching on the television and the internet, celebrating Singapore’s 52nd birthday.
This year marks SSA’s 32nd participation at the NDP since 1981 and her 23rd consecutive year since 1995. The mass display item put up by the SSA performers in Act 2 titled “Growing Together” conveys how strong and united families form the foundation of Singapore. Flipping their poncho costumes of three distinct colours — blue, orange and silver, SSA members displayed five different scenes, which depicted the growing stages of a girl and her family.
(please refer to issue 565 of the SSA Times for more details of the above event)