Discussion Meeting – An Oasis of Happiness

I once introduced my neighbour, with whom I shared Nichiren Buddhism, to a discussion meeting. After attending it, he was deeply impressed and told me that he had never been to a gathering of people who were so genuinely happy, sharing their life experiences with such courage and hope.
This is a powerful testament to what Ikeda Sensei describes as the Soka Gakkai’s discussion meeting being an oasis of happiness. Today, discussion meetings, the cornerstone of all Soka Gakkai activities, are held in every corner of the world in 192 countries and territories. Attended by members
and friends from all walks of life with diverse backgrounds and ages, they come together
to learn, encourage, and inspire each other based on the practice of Nichiren Buddhism. It is the most widely attended activity within the Soka Gakkai worldwide.
The tradition of the discussion meeting lies in valuing each individual’s inherent potential for Buddhahood. This is where heart-to-heart discussions take place, life-to-life exchanges happen, and we focus on bringing out the best in each other.
Sensei says in his guidance: “Mr Makiguchi described discussion meetings as ‘meetings offering experimental proof of a life of great good’. By this, he meant demonstrating through actual examples in
our lives, in a way convincing to all, the wonderful effect of putting our Buddhist faith based on the Mystic Law into practice in the real world, of a life of human revolution dedicated to the welfare of
others and society. Soka Gakkai discussion meetings, from the very beginning, have been open
and accessible to all. They are grassroots forums for infusing society with wisdom and vitality.”
It is where life’s dramas of human revolution are performed and narrated by the members. As
they courageously face various challenges in their lives, such as family, illness, and work, their
lives are transformed from suffering to happiness, despair to great hope, aimlessness to
fulfilment, and destructiveness to contribution. These are tangible proofs of the hope-
filled teachings of Nichiren Daishonin, which can positively impact individuals, families, and
It is also a platform for compassionate propagation, as many members attended a discussion meeting, their first Gakkai activity, when they began their journey of faith. This happened to Ikeda Sensei too, when he attended a discussion meeting conducted by Toda Sensei and received his Gohonzon 10 days later.
While some are moved by the profound experiences of faith, others are touched by the warmth and empathy that overflows, and there are those who are inspired by the profound philosophy of life. This is where everyone does their utmost best to wholeheartedly encourage each other to transmit the “heritage of the ultimate law of life”. That is why Sensei says kosen-rufu starts from discussion meetings.
Let us all make great efforts to attend the district discussion meetings in the next three months of
September, October, and November and encourage our fellow faith comrades to attend as well, thereby concluding the year with victory and fulfilment.
Let us also invite our family members, relatives, and friends to this gathering of Buddhas to encourage and inspire them, enabling them to experience the great joy of practising faith in the Soka family.