Enable All to Live a Life of Fulfilment Through the Practice of Nichiren Buddhism

The invocation of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo on April 28, 1253, is one defining moment of Nichiren Daishonin’s life, dedicated to bringing happiness to humanity by eradicating sufferings and bringing peace to the land.
He teaches that through the practice of chanting Nam-myoho-renge kyo, every person can summon forth their Buddha nature and achieve the state of indestructible happiness in this lifetime.
Ikeda Sensei writes, “Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the fundamental path that enables the people of the Latter Day to manifest their Buddha nature. In the sense that it was the Daishonin who opened this
path, it could be said that he founded the ‘Nam-myoho-renge-kyo school of Buddhism’. His teaching, however, goes beyond the narrow margins of a single a school, in that its doors are open to all people everywhere. In other words, the Daishonin initiated a religion for all humanity.”
The fundamental importance of our Buddhist practice lies in battling the negativity in our lives that arises to keep us from advancing towards genuine happiness and fulfilment.
Ikeda Sensei explains: “A Buddha is not a superhuman being. One who has attained this state continues to experience problems, suffering and pain, and is still subject to illness and to temptation by devilish forces. For that reason, a Buddha is a person of courage, tenacity and continuous action who constantly struggles against devilish functions.”
Our practice of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo empowers us to live our lives as Buddhas. Manifesting our potential to the fullest, we can courageously face and win over our obstacles and fulfil our dreams as we pursue to live a remarkable life of absolute happiness and value creation.
Ikeda Sensei further states, “The Daishonin calls on us to carry on the struggle he initiated, which is the very wellspring of kosen-rufu, and never allow its flow to cease. He also instructs us to enable as many people as possible to receive the boundless benefit of the Mystic Law, for therein lies the brilliant
path of peace and happiness for humankind.”
It is the three founding presidents of the Soka Gakkai – Makiguchi Sensei, Toda Sensei and lkeda Sensei who actualised the Daishonin’s decree that led to the advancement of kosen-rufu worldwide.
April 28 is a day for all of us in Soka Gakkai who inherited the spirit of Nichiren Daishonin to renew our resolve to live our life brilliantly and deepen our vow to spread Nichiren Buddhism.
The “Let’s E.A.T (Encourage Each Other and Advance Together) 10k” youth dialogue that ended on March 30 is a concrete endeavour in response to Nichiren Daishonin’s call to his disciples. Collectively, we achieved 12,017 dialogues with youths. The sincere and dedicated efforts of the four division leaders
and members working in the spirit of “many in body, one in mind”, resulted in many youths being
connected to Nichiren Buddhism and many youths becoming active again.
Continuing this momentum, SGS will embark on “Let’s EAT II 20k” four division dialogues towards November 18, Soka Gakkai’s Founding Day. Let’s determine to bring hope and courage to the people around us by sharing the greatness of Nichiren Buddhism and Ikeda Sensei’s words of wisdom. The sole purpose of “Let’s E.A.T I” is none other than to enable people to live a life of happiness and fulfilment
through the practice of Nichiren Buddhism.