Grateful Hearts, Joyful Contributions

Every October is SGS’ financial contribution month. This is the month where members have the
privilege to make their financial contributions to support the advancement of Singapore kosen-rufu.

On behalf of SGS, I would like to express my profoundest gratitude to all the members for their sincere and generous efforts. The selfless efforts of our members in financial contributions are so commendable. And the victories and transformation of their lives through this practice of offering are truly inspiring.

In the six paramitas, widely known as the six essential practices of Buddhism, almsgiving ranked the
foremost. It is so because engaging in the offering of goods and the offering of the Law, the two types
of almsgiving, will enable us to overcome our sufferings and attain Buddhahood.

The offering of goods allows us to break free from our attachment to material possessions, while the offering of the Law empowers us to sever our tendency to hold on to attachments that are often the
source of life’s sufferings.

Nichiren Daishonin states in “Letter from Sado”: Since nothing is more precious than life itself, one who dedicates one’s life to Buddhist practice is certain to attain Buddhahood. If one is prepared to offer one’s
life, why should one begrudge any other treasure for the sake of Buddhism? On the other hand, if one is loath to part with one’s wealth, how can one possibly offer one’s life, which is far more valuable? (WND-1, p. 301)

Ikeda Sensei explains: “Simply clinging to our lives will not result in attaining genuine happiness. Establishing a fundamental purpose and pursuing the correct course in life – ready to face any hardship this might entail – enables us to experience deep joy and fulfillment. If we allow ourselves to be controlled by shallow desires and hold fast to our lesser selves at a crucial moment, then our hearts will wither, and only misery and regret will await us.” (The Teachings for Victory, vol. 1, p. 7)

Material wealth was created to be used but people tend to hoard it and find difficulty in parting with it due to attachment. Furthermore, when driven by greed, people can easily become slaves to material wealth, which can perpetuate their suffering.

In contrast, the Buddhist practice of almsgiving in terms of the offering of goods, allows us to utilise material wealth for the noblest cause of the propagation of the Mystic Law. Thus, making financial offerings that support the advancement of kosen-rufu enables us to fight our negative tendencies to be controlled by material wealth while manifesting the wisdom to use it in the most valuable way.

To make offerings of the Law means teaching others about the Mystic Law to guide them to establish lives of absolute happiness. Through this, we challenge our tendency to judge the capacity of others to attain Buddhahood, which keeps us from fully embracing the spirit of compassion and respect
for all as taught in Buddhism.

By courageously sharing Buddhism, we can fully engage in our inner transformation and endow our life with the greatest benefit and joy.

When we diligently make the offering of goods and the offering of the Law, we are exerting ourselves in
accord with the three pillars of faith, practice and study that enable us to establish a diamond-like life state of happiness and immense good fortune.

Let’s participate in this year’s financial contribution month – “Grateful hearts, Joyful contributions” — filled with utmost gratitude and joy.