Living a Life of Great Victory with Indomitable Faith
April 2, 2021 marks the 63rd anniversary of the passing of second Soka Gakkai president Josei Toda who has selflessly dedicated himself to the great goal of kosen-rufu; achieving the remarkable feat of 750,000 membership households during his lifetime. Before that, he was also the one who had reconstructed the Soka Gakkai from the ruins in the aftermath of World War II and laid the foundation for the growth and development of Soka Gakkai’s worldwide peace movement. His vision to relieve this world of sufferings was inherited by his disciple, Ikeda Sensei.
For us who are able to practise Nichiren Buddhism today, we must be eternally grateful to what President Toda had done. Ikeda Sensei says, “President Toda used the term ‘human revolution’ as a modern expression for attaining the life state of Buddhahood, the ultimate aim of Buddhist practice. By introducing this new concept of human revolution, Mr Toda clarified and deepened people’s understanding of Buddhahood as the goal for perfecting oneself as a human being in this present life. Our aim in exerting ourselves in Buddhist practice is human revolution.”
Human revolution can take place wherever we are, in our daily existence in the reality of the world we are in. When a seriously ill person is determined to fight their illness and not be defeated by it — that is human revolution. When an arrogant person becomes kind — that is human revolution. When someone who treats his/ her parents poorly begins to respect and honour them — that is human revolution. When a young person who spends all his time playing, begins to take his studies and future seriously — that is human revolution. When someone who only thinks of himself decides to step out of his narrow confines to extend his helping hands to others — that is human revolution.
Essentially, this human revolution takes place when we bring forth the state of Buddhahood. That is why we chant daimoku to the Gohonzon every day. Through chanting daimoku, we are tapping on the innate powerful life force, developing boundless wisdom and drawing forth the Buddhahood within us. For the same reason, by us partaking and supporting in activities to propagate the Mystic Law, or by reaching out to share Buddhism with our friends, we are living our lives based on the life state of Bodhisattva of the Earth.
This is the direct path to manifesting the life state of Buddhahood in us.
Ikeda Sensei once said,
“Human Revolution is the transformation of one’s life and one’s karma. It is the achievement of true happiness and fulfilment. It is the key to actualising the Daishonin’s ideal of ‘establishing the correct teaching for the peace of the land’. It is the foundation for peace.”
Let’s all be convinced that no matter what the situation is, even with this unprecedented adversity of the pandemic, we will surely be able to advance joyously without fear, and not lose hope in achieving great victories in our lives, whilst achieving our human revolution based on our indomitable faith in the Gohonzon.