Living the Most Fulfilling Lives Dedicated to the Path of Mentor and Disciple

In the month of July we commemorate July 3, Mentor and Disciple Day, an eternal prime point of the Soka Gakkai. The path of mentor and disciple is crucial to walking the true path of humanity and Buddhism. And Mentor and Disciple Day bears the significance of mentor and disciple striving in unison to advance kosen-rufu valiantly, standing up against injustice and surmounting all obstacles to fulfil the sole purpose of Nichiren Buddhism, that is the happiness of humanity and peace in the world.
In The New Human Revolution, Volume 17, “Main Bastion” chapter, Ikeda Sensei writes, “Whether in academics, the material arts or any other art, when you study something and seek to master it, you need a mentor, a guide. A mentor is particularly indispensable to learning about Buddhism, which teaches the true value of life and the proper way to live.” He further explained, “If you don’t have a correct grasp of the Law, you cannot successfully carry out your Buddhist practice.
“For example, when you learn to drive a car, you have to follow the guidance of your instructor and master the rules of the road and the methods for operating the car properly. If you just drive according to your own whims, you are likely to cause an accident.
“Buddhism is even more serious, since your attainment of Buddhahood – or rather, the happiness of all humanity – is at stake. If you have a shallow or erroneous understanding of Buddhism, you will close the road to happiness for both yourself and others.”
Amid these trying times where individuals and societies face multiple kinds of challenges, it can be difficult to realise what to focus on, what action to take and how to move forward. Seeking our mentors in Buddhism -Nichiren Daishonin and the three founding presidents of the Soka Gakkai – we can navigate
tumultuous circumstances with conviction and courage and create positive value in the process.
In a life dedicated to the path of mentor and disciple, the strength of a victor full of pride will manifest, and we will be able to live a most fulfilling life that is filled with enriching joy and youthfulness.
With the passing of Ikeda Sensei, it is now time that we, as disciples of our mentor, strive to continue the legacy of Ikeda Sensei by advancing kosen-rufu with compassionate hearts to connect more people to Nichiren Buddhism, actualising Sensei’s guidance to live a victorious life. The disciple’s victory is the
victory of the mentor.
This is what the 700 participants and 100 support staff in this year’s National Day Parade item are determined to achieve – a victorious performance as a disciple for our mentor, Ikeda Sensei. As we draw nearer to August 9, the momentum of the trainings has intensified. The members, despite challenges, are striving to surmount all obstacles as a springboard for growth and breakthrough. Let us all give
them our fullest support through daimoku and encouragement.
The mentor and disciple relationship, central in our Buddhist practice, is a means for discovering and strengthening our limitless potential, courage, wisdom and compassion. It is a lifelong pursuit that develops and evolves through time and effort.