Sowing the Seeds of the Mystic Law in Each Person’s Life
October 2 is the SGI World Peace Day.
This day has come to symbolise the shared commitment of SGI members around the world to creating a wave of positive change in society through promoting non-violence and working for peace and the happiness of all humanity, based on the teachings of Nichiren Daishonin.
Nichiren Daishonin lived during a tumultuous time and he was deeply troubled by the sufferings he witnessed, which led him to seek and clarify the essence of Shakyamuni Buddha’s teachings. Through his intensive studies, he found answers in the Lotus Sutra, the teaching which has been transmitted and embraced through the centuries across numerous cultures in India, China, Korea and Japan where it was introduced in the 9th century by Dengyo.
The Daishonin came to the conclusion that it is the Lotus Sutra that enables the infinite potential of all people to flourish. Based on the essential teaching of the Lotus Sutra, the Daishonin established a concrete practice for attaining Buddhahood, that is the practice of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and also inscribed as the object of devotion, the Gohonzon. He was also convinced that through this Buddhist practice for oneself and others, and by taking action, we can bring peace and happiness to the world.
From Japan, Nichiren Buddhism has now spread across 192 countries and territories worldwide, and October 2 stands out in the annals of our history.
Sixty-two years ago on October 2, 1960, President Ikeda, then 32 years old and barely five months since his inauguration as the third president of the Soka Gakkai, travelled outside of Japan for the first time to visit the USA, Canada and Brazil. It was the day he began his arduous journey towards realising kosen-rufu on a global scale, carrying with him his mentor Toda Sensei’s vision for worldwide kosen-rufu.
In his message to the 13th Soka Gakkai Headquarters Leaders’ Meeting on September 5, 2015, Ikeda Sensei wrote:
“Embracing this fearless and confident spirit of Nichiren Daishonin, I took my first step out into the world in October 1960. I was 32 years old then…
“There is no special method for expanding our movement for worldwide kosen-rufu. It is simply a matter of summoning the courage, wherever you are, to wholeheartedly share Nichiren Buddhism with the person right in front of us, to patiently and sincerely sow the seeds of the Mystic Law in each person’s life…”
His global vision and continuous efforts eventually led to the creation of Soka Gakkai International (SGI) in 1975 and the spread of Nichiren Buddhism globally.
Incidentally, this year marks the 740th year of the passing of Nichiren Daishonin (October 13, 1282). He concluded a life devoted to the propagation of the Mystic Law in the spirit of selfless dedication to the happiness of all people.
With the deepest appreciation to Nichiren Daishonin, and with great pride as members of the Soka Gakkai inheriting his legacy for kosen-rufu, we must dedicate ourselves to working for the peace and happiness of the world.
In this significant month of October, SGS will be holding the Zone General Meetings, as well as the Members Contribution Fund and Subscription activities.
Let’s once again triumph over all challenges with strong faith and secure great victories in all our endeavours this October as a testament to this great hope- filled philosophy of Nichiren Buddhism.
Please take good care and stay well.