SSA General Director and Representatives Participate in Inter-racial Harmony Seminar
On 17 July, SSA General Director Tay Eng Kiat and representatives attended an inter-racial harmony seminar titled, ‘Whither Racial Harmony in Singapore: What More Should Be Done’, organised by Jamiyah Singapore and supported by the People’s Association. The seminar was held in a hybrid format with represenatives from various community and religious organisations participating at the Jamiyah Islamic Centre and online respectively.
Guest of Honour, Minister S Iswaran, Minister for Transport & Minister-in-Charge of Trade Relations, shared in his opening speech, “We must acknowledge and respect these differences in perspectives, across generations and races, and never discount or dismiss them. If we are to continue to grow our common space, its foundation rests on taking seriously these diverse viewpoints which reflect the lived realities of Singaporeans.” (Source: Ministry of Transport website)
As we celebrate Racial Harmony Day today, let us base ourselves on the fundamental Buddhist principle of respect for the dignity of human life, and continue our efforts to build sincere relationships with others, regardless of race and religion.