Soka Gakkai Singapore Headquarters

The SGS Headquarters was officially opened on January 1, 1993 by then Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong. It houses the Association’s central administration. The Ikeda Culture Auditorium on the second storey is the centre’s main prayer hall. The auditorium, which seats 800 people, has been the venue for some of the Association’s major events that include public lectures, exhibitions, concerts, prayer sessions and Buddhist lectures.

The administration office and publications department are on the first storey. Located at the basement is the Soka Women Centre that includes the SWC Office, Conference Room and the Sales Room.

Soka Women Centre

Women participation and leadership have contributed significantly to the Association’s development. The role of women is acknowledged to be ever important in the 21st century. To promote greater women participation and development, the Soka Women Centre was established in May 2001. The Centre runs education and enrichment programmes from women.

Center Information

Address: 10 Tampines Street 81 Singapore 529014
Tel: 6551 8900, 6551 8930 (Sales)

Nearest Public Transportation


By Bus:
Tampines Bus Interchange: 293 (West Loop, located at Berth 4). Alight at Block 819, Tampines Avenue 3 (Stop ID: 75079), 4 stops later.

Buses 8, 15, 23, 69, 118, 129, 513, 518. Alight at Opp Temasek Poly East G (Stop ID: 75221)

Services Hours*
Front Desk Monday to Friday 9am - 7pm
Saturday and Sunday 10am - 4pm
Sales Outlet Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday 10am - 4pm
Members Service Centre and Exhibition Room Monday to Friday 1pm - 5.00pm
Saturday and Sunday 10am - 4pm
Kosen-rufu Chanting (from 3 March) Every Monday 11am - 4pm

*Closed on Public Holidays.