SGS Participates in Packing of Relief Items for Children of Gaza
On 9 March, Soka Volunteers Group members joined in the packing of care packages meant for the children of Gaza amidst the on-going humanitarian aid efforts in Singapore. Organised by non-profit organisation Humanity Matters, this full day event held at Tampines Soka Center saw many volunteers from all walks of life coming together to help out. These volunteers comprised students from junior colleges, madrasahs, polytechnics, the Institute of Technical Education and secondary schools in Tampines. At the end of the day, some 5,000 care packs worth $100,000 were put together, with each pack containing a backpack, inflatable pillow, vitamin gummies, water bottle, stress ball, stuffed toy and snacks.
Home Affairs and Law Minister K. Shanmugam lauded the work put in by volunteers who had gathered at Tampines Soka Centre. Singapore Ambassador Ong Keng Yong, who is chairman of Humanity Matters, was also present and accompanied by Jordan Ambassador to Singapore, Mr Samer Anton Naber. These relief care packs were subsequently flown to Jordan for delivery to Gaza by local partnering charity organisations to the war zone.