Joining Hands to Spread the Message of Harmony in Roses of Peace 2016
About 40 SSA youths from the Student Division (SD) and Soka Volunteers Group (SVG) were involved in Roses of Peace 2016 (RoP 2016), a youth-driven interfaith project organised to spread the universal message of love, peace, harmony and kindness as advocated by all faith groups. Over 250 youth volunteers from various faith backgrounds gathered to make the community outreach event a success.
RoP 2016 is organised by SMU Muslim Society, with partners and sponsors from various government and religious organisations like MCCY, OnePeople.sg, Jamiyah Singapore, Simply Islam, Singapore Buddhist Mission, Hindu Endowment Board, and supported by Singapore Management University.24 September, 2016: Volunteers Training Day
Youth volunteers gathered at OnePeople.sg to understand the objectives of RoP 2016 and engaged in group discussion on issues pertaining to the challenges faced when distributing roses. They also penned down 7,000 personalized messages of peace, love and harmony onto the greeting cards.
SSA youths also seized the opportunity to make friends with the other volunteers from various backgrounds.1 October, 2016: Packing Day
Volunteers gathered in two shifts throughout the day to pack the roses together with the personalised greeting cards, in preparation for the distribution the following day.2 October, 2016: Distribution of Roses (Event Day)
Some 7,000 roses with greeting cards attached were distributed to the general public at 17 locations around Singapore. Following that, an appreciation dinner was organized for all volunteers that was hosted at Jamiyah Singapore.
Guest-of-honour was Assoc Prof Dr Muhammed Faishal Ibrahim, Parliamentary Secretary for the Ministry of Social and Family Development and the Ministry of Education. President of Singapore Management University Professor Arnoud de Meyer was also present to show his support to the event.
A token of appreciation was presented by Dr Faishal to SSA to acknowledge the support rendered to make RoP 2016 a success.Watch the video highlights of Roses of Peace 2016: