SGS Interfaith Engagements – July and August 2022
July and August have been fulfilling months with our various community partners!
On 16 July, SGS General Director Tay Eng Kiat attended Jamiyah Singapore’s 90th Anniversary Gala Dinner where Senior Minister and Minister for National Security Mr Teo Chee Hean was Guest of Honour for the event.

Mr Tay also attended the IRCC 20th Anniversary event carrying the theme, “IRCC20 and Beyond: Strengthening Racial and Religious Harmony in Our Communities” on 30 July. Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong was the special guest for this event.

On 23 July, Women Division Peony Dance Group performed a contemporary dance item as the opening item at the Tampines GRC IRCC Cultural Night event held at Our Tampines Hub.

On 29 July, Mr Tay and SGS representatives called on friends at the Baha’i Centre in the spirit of strengthening friendship with the Baha’i community, and most recently on 6 August, Mr Tay and Honorary Secretary Mr Yong Kim San attended an interfaith community party hosted by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and jointly organised with Moulmein-Cairnhill IRCC. Special guest for the event was Minister of State, Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth & Ministry of Trade and Industry Mr Alvin Tan.

Thank you to all our community partners for the wonderful time!