SSA Future Division Members Forge Bonds of Friendship with Muslim Friends

On May 29 2011, 80 Future Division (FD) members and their in-charges (IC) attended the “Sunday Odyssey”, a one-day tour of the various SSA centres to explore and learn more about the significant history behind each of the various SSA centres islandwide. The journey also included a visit to the Ba’alwie Mosque where the participants were warmly received by Imam and Head, Mr Syed Hassan Ahmed Al-Attas (Habib Hassan) and his son Mr Syed Ahmed Al-Attas.

Mr Syed Hassan Ahmed Al-Attas gave an insight to the religious beliefs and practice of local Muslim community. The SSA youths toured the mosque and were shown a potpourri of exhibits on Islamic faith and culture. The mosque also treated the young visitors to a dinner with various Malay dishes.

In appreciation of the warm hospitality of the mosque, FD Chief Pow Cheng See, on behalf of SSA, presented copies of President Ikeda’s 2011 Peace Proposal and a gift of President Ikeda’s stamp imprint of the words “Boundless Good Fortune” to Mr Syed Ahmed Al-Attas. In return, Mr Syed Ahmed Al-Attas presented to SSA a picturesque painting of a seaside by a famous local Malay artist, received on behalf by FD Chief. The tour ended with a commemorative group photo, and certainly served as a great kick-start to the June school vacation for the FD members!