SSA Hosts Camp Culture Participants
A group of 78 students from Temasek Secondary School visited Senja Soka Centre as part of the programme in Camp Culture 2018 organised by on January 16, 2018.
In two separate groups, the Temasek Secondary School students were treated to a brief introduction of Nichiren Buddhism and SSA members’ practice. The video “History of the Transmission of the Lotus Sutra” brought the audience back to 2500 years ago when Buddhism was established by Shakyamuni Buddha and how the Lotus Sutra, was transmitted from India to China, Korea and Japan. Core principles such as Oneness of Life and Environment, Human revolution, Ten Worlds, Practice for Oneself and Others were shared with these youths. The students then toured the An-Le Temple and the columbarium to conclude their visits.
The objective of Camp Culture is to increase the students’ cross-cultural awareness and develop respect for others through exposure to various religions in Singapore, understanding their key tenets and corresponding rituals. The programme included visits to various religious sites, with the aim of allowing students to understand the different religious practices and belief systems in Singapore. This is the 3rd year SSA is supporting this event.