SSA Hosts Interfaith Seminar by Jamiyah Singapore and SimplyIslam.sg
On November 28, SSA hosted “Celebrating Humanity, Faith and Love”, an interfaith seminar organised by Jamiyah Singapore and SimplyIslam.sg, at the SSA Headquarters. Attending the event together with 350 people was guest-of-honour Mr Desmond Choo, Member of Parliament for Tampines Group Representative Constituency.
In his speech, President of Jamiyah Singapore Dr Mohd Hasbi Abu Bakar said in his speech that Jamiyah Singapore, SimplyIslam.sg and SSA have always been steadfast in initiatives to promote peace and harmony in the multi-racial, multi-faith society of Singapore.
SSA Chairman Mr Michael Yap shared that SSA was happy to support such interfaith activities, which serve as important platforms to help foster trust and friendship among people of different faiths.
For the full report, please refer to SSA Times issue 524.