The Ultimate Source of Spiritual Strength
In 2011, I opened the Buddhist altar in my house for the first time and started chanting while my family members slept. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I chanted.
Blossoms from the Earth of Endurance
I’m a fortune baby and since young, my brother and I would follow our parents to attend SGS activities. I graduated in 2020 during the peak of the Covid-19 period, and finding a job proved very challenging.
2020年我毕业, 正值冠病疫情高峰期,找工作是困难重重。直到次年4月,我才开始第一份全职工作。 在一间小公司任职得身兼数职。我必须在短时间内掌握全新技能, 而我却无法跟上,最终导致精神焦虑,经常引起惊恐发作, 好几次在工作中途崩溃。
Growing Alongside My Child
I started chanting daimoku (Nam-myoho-renge-kyo) in Primary Two. My mother encouraged me to chant, telling me that I could improve my studies by chanting daimoku.
A Harmonious Family that Never Strays from faith
I was a very cheerful and outgoing person leading a carefree life and flying around the world as a leading stewardess with Singapore Airlines. Life was alright until I married and had children.
Following in My Mentor’s Footsteps
I used to attend Soka Gakkai meetings with my mother but lacking understanding of Nichiren Buddhism, I stopped upon entering secondary school.
The Mark of a True Victor
I started chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo since I was in preschool and with the encouragement and support of my family, regularly participate in Soka Gakkai Singapore (SGS) activities as well as contribute to the Members Contribution Fund with my own pocket money.