Imparting Wholehearted Encouragement – SSA Kicks off “Encouragement Months” from May to August
May to August have been designated as the “Encouragement Months” for SSA, where all leaders and members will focus on offering warm encouragement to fellow members, believers and new friends through home visitations and dialogues.
SGI President Ikeda wrote, “How do we encourage the person right in front of us? How do we give them hope and rouse their courage?
“The actions of genuine Buddhist practitioners are characterised by valuing and caring for each individual. Shakyamuni Buddha gave his all to encouraging every person he encountered. Nichiren Daishonin made unceasing efforts to encourage his followers throughout his life. The Soka Gakkai’s first two presidents Tsunesaburo Makiguchi and Josei Toda also always poured their entire beings into encouraging each person they met. Buddhism would have no meaning if it lost this essential spirit of valuing and caring for each individual…
“Buddhist compassion means illuminating the innermost source or root cause of each person’s suffering, encouraging that person wholeheartedly, and warmly supporting them until they recover their spirits and are able to get back on their feet again.
At times, it may also mean offering strict guidance based on “tough love” in order to help someone break through negativity or fundamental darkness that may be preventing their growth and development.
“Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism is always the ally of those who are experiencing the greatest suffering… The true measure of a people-centred philosophy lies in the actions of its practitioners to help the most unfortunate attain the greatest happiness.
“Today, we of the SGI, upholding the humanistic Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin, are actively engaged in helping people everywhere develop their positive potential and elevate their life- conditions with the aim of bringing happiness to all humanity. Our organisation has faithfully inherited the spirit of Nichiren Daishonin, the Buddha of the Latter Day of the Law, who directed all of his energy towards enabling each person he encountered to become happy without fail.”
(Adapted from Learning from the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin: The Teachings for Victory (30) “Letter to Konichi-bo”)