Youth for Peace Symposium 2018
On 30 June 2018, the SSA Student Division (SD) held the second Youth for Peace Symposium at the SSA Headquarters with close to 300 youths in attendance consisting of SD members, their friends and guests from interfaith organisations.
Based on the theme “Choose Hope ~ Embracing Diversity, Empowering Lives”, the Symposium serves as a platform for youths who want to make a difference for peace to gather and explore the key topics highlighted in and inspired by SGI President Ikeda’s 2018 Peace Proposal titled “Towards an Era of Human Rights: Building a People’s Movement”.
Prior to the symposium, the exhibition “Transforming Lives: The Power of Human Rights Education” was launched by SSA General Director Tay Eng Kiat and Student Division Chief Chia Meng Hwee. The exhibition aligns with the theme of the 2018 Peace Proposal in emphasizing the vital role of human rights education in surmounting social divides.
In the symposium that ensued, five SD members held a panel discussion on some of the global concerns raised in the Peace Proposal translated to local thoughts, words and actions. Thereafter, participants divided into small group and had dialogues to explore in greater depth the key issues raised and exchange views.
Mr Faris Ridzuan, an invited guest from the Harmony Centre @ An-Nahdhah Mosque, shares on how he felt the theme of the symposium resonated with him:
“I think people need to embrace diversity. I think that is a very important skillset and value system to have. And I think empowering lives is also very important because once you embrace diversity, you need to have the capacity and capability to think of how you can contribute to other people’s life and help them to achieve their dreams; their security, their own happiness.”
The exhibition was hosted at the SSA Headquarters from 30 June to 9 July 2018.