World Youth General Meeting’s Sunrise Stage – Featuring South Asia Youths
– 14 October 2020 –
Here is a video that was shown at the Sunrise Stage of the World Youth General Meeting, featuring South Asia.
The rising sun lights up the whole world. Youth around the world expressed the brilliance of the sun and their hopes in chorus, music and dance on the stage. We hope you will enjoy it!
– 30 September 2020 –
Congratulations! The wonderful team behind the World Youth General Meeting has prepared beautiful commemorative souvenirs for all participants of the meeting! Available for you are the downloadable digital images which could now be used as smartphones or desktop wallpapers, virtual backgrounds for your online meetings etc.
Do download these complimentary images here and start using them today!
– 27 September 2020 –
Heartiest congratulations on the brilliant gathering of youth worldwide at the World Youth General Meeting today!
You can now catch the repeat broadcast of the event in any language from September 27, 7pm (Singapore Time) to September 28, 7pm (Singapore Time) at the following link:
Today’s the day we’ve all been waiting for! Stay tuned to the live streaming of today’s World Youth General Meeting (WYGM) from 11.50am (Singapore Time) onwards.
Select the subtitles in your preferred language here:
– 23 September 2020 –
Just 4 days to go towards the World Youth General Meeting!
– 13 September 2020 –
Counting down 2 weeks to the much-awaited World Youth General Meeting! Let us spare no effort in reaching out to one more youth to join in this joyous gathering of Bodhisattvas of the Earth come 27 September 2020!
– 5 September 2020 –
Counting down 3 more weeks to the World Youth General Meeting!
– 26 August 2020 –
We are barely a month away from the World Youth General Meeting (WYGM)! This significant assembly of the shared vow of mentor and disciple will not be complete without the valiant gathering of our precious Youth Division members. Amid these times of uncertainty, let us leave no one behind and unite with fellow SGI comrades around the world to mark a fresh departure towards October 2 “World Peace Day”, a day that commemorates the 60th anniversary of our mentor’s journey into the world for the happiness and peace of humanity.
Now is the time to spread the network of dialogue and adorn the World Youth General Meeting with the passion and power of youth so as to open a new horizon of worldwide kosen-rufu! Let’s create history together! Let’s hear from SSA’s Young Men Division Chief Koh Song Heng and Young Women Division Chief Tay Li Yan who have a special message for all of you.
Towards the World Youth General Meeting, you can take the following actions:
- Follow and share with your friends about the WYGM Instagram page ~ @wgym2020_sokayouth;
- Contribute hope-filled photos towards the “ONE WORLD『#WYGM2020』Project”. Photo contributions will be accepted until the actual day of the meeting; and
- Check out the official website for updated information on the event at