Category: SD

Sixth Student Peace Lecture: “Beginning the Fake Life, Reflections on the Role of Education”

“Beginning the Fake Life, Reflections on the Role of Education” – this was the theme of the Sixth (Singapore Soka Association) SSA Student Peace Lecture (SPL) delivered with much earnestness and sincerity by the speaker, Associate Professor (A/P) Syed Farid Alatas of the Department of Sociology who is also Head of the Department of Malay Studies at the National University of Singapore. He skillfully and creatively transformed his profoundly insightful thoughts into relatable and simple day-to-day examples, engaging, inspiring and bringing much laughter to a packed-hall of some 350 participants, comprising tertiary students, working professionals, as well as invited guests of SSA.

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SSA-Ikeda Peace Award Established in Singapore Management University

Through the various collaborations between the Singapore Management University (SMU) and SSA since 2005, much rapport and trust has been established between the two organizations. As such, the invitation of establishing the SSA-Ikeda Peace Award within the SMU, comes in recognition of SGS’s invaluable contribution to SMU and to society at large.

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