Winning Trust and Confidence through Earnest Efforts

2014 marks the 30th anniversary of Tan Ah Kam and her husband’s practice of Nichiren Buddhism. Through their Buddhist practice, they summoned forth the courage to embark on starting a fish stall business in a wet market, though without any prior experience in this business.
As fishmongers, their day begins at 4am. Ah Kam’s husband would head to the wholesale fish market to acquire fish for the day. Thereafter, he transports them to the market where they begin their business for the day.
Ah Kam and her husband always based their lives on the guidance of mentor, SGI President Ikeda. With hearts of gratitude they strive earnestly at work, treating their customers with sincerity; thus, winning their trust and confidence. Customers readily purchase their fish without bargaining and they are able to pack up their stall by noon. This allows them more time to participate in SSA activities. Ah Kam is a member of the Soka New Century Orchestra. She plays the euphonium, a passion since her school days. She is grateful for her family’s support, especially her husband, whose support has enabled her to attend activities without worries.
She shares a passage from Nichiren’s writings, which reads: “A blue fly, if it clings to the tail of a thoroughbred horse, can travel ten thousand miles.” (Writings of Nichiren Daishonin-1, p.17) This passage and guidance of SGI President Ikeda have encouraged and guided her on the correct path in life. She resolves to fulfil her role to the fullest as a mother of kosen-rufu (world peace), and her role as the “sun of the family” in creating a happy and harmonious family, following the footsteps of her mentor in striving for the happiness of fellow members.
(The above experience first appeared in SSA Times issue 474.)