Category: Experiences


我是在11岁时开始跟着母亲一 起唱题的,不过是到我加入学生部之后, 才认真修行起来。也在那个时候,我邂逅 了我的先生。他是我第一个折伏的人。

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Illness Gives Rise to the Resolve to Attain the Way

I am a fortune baby, which means born into this Buddhist practice. Since young, my parents brought my twin brother and me along for Soka Gakkai meetings.

Although attended meetings regularly, I wasn’t proactive in helping out during meetings. Yet from young, I learnt from Ikeda Sensei that our faith journey might not be smooth sailing and we will probably face various problems, but as practitioners Nichiren Buddhism, we can overcome every problem in life through faith and practice.

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我于1983年入信。婚后育有三个孩子, 生活顺利平淡, 直至10年后的1993年, 丈夫开始有外遇, 还接二连三的欠下大笔债务。每当债主上门讨债时, 他就会人间蒸发。

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Faith Is the Engine for All Victories

I began practising in 1983. I have three children after getting married. Life was all smooth until ten years later in 1993. My husband had an extramarital affair and was chalking up high debts one after another. Whenever the creditors came to our door to collect debts, he would disappear.

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