Listening from the Heart
Chew Yue Yin
Social worker/ art therapist
Women Division member, joined SSA in 1986
Soka activities always inspire me to challenge myself. I had struggled with being shy until experiencing the warm encouragement at Soka activities. Though communication skills have not been my strength, I chose to major in social work and eventually decided to help people suffering from domestic violence. I try to provide relief for both parties in the relationship by listening not only to the victims, but also the perpetrators. By reducing the time I spent sleeping, and increasing the time I spent studying and chanting daimoku, I was able to overcome the fear within myself and strengthen my communication and social skills.
It is extremely challenging to engage in an open dialogue on private matters. I had the good fortune to be sponsored for my Masters in Art Therapy, where I can provide another modality of expression when working with people of different ages. The artwork allows my client to express their inner feelings and tell his or her story. Looking back, the Soka activities in which I have prayed together with fellow members and listened to their experiences of overcoming their suffering have certainly helped me in my current work. Remembering how shy I myself was as a child, I am truly grateful today that I have become someone who enjoys meeting with and encouraging others. I am determined to fulfil the vow I made to my mentor to carry out my mission.
(Reference from Dec 2017 issue of SGI Graphic)