Shining As a Sun of Happiness

Soh Yu Jia
Young Women Division
I am currently a second-year Biomedical Sciences and BioBusiness undergraduate student at Nanyang Technological University (NTU).
I have been exposed to Nichiren Buddhism and practice since young. At home, we have a huge bookshelf filled with books written by Ikeda Sensei and books on Buddhist fundamentals.
However, I did not chant every day as I could not understand the importance of doing so. Despite this, I enjoyed going to the monthly discussion meetings where I would be welcomed warmly by the members. I can fondly recall the delicious meals the adults cooked for me, and a YWD senior who would even play online games with me.
Making Ikeda Sensei’s Words My Guidepost in Life
As I had grown up in an environment where those practising Nichiren Buddhism were always cheerful and strong, I turned to this practice in Secondary 4 in preparation for the GCE O-level examinations.
I have always been academically driven and my grades then were not up to my standard. Barely passing some subjects and failing math, I had no idea how to improve. At that time, I chanted up to four hours a day for the wisdom to understand what I was studying, and to get into a school most suitable for me. Not long after that, a new teacher came and under his guidance my math improved greatly. With consistent prayers and chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo (daimoku), along with my hard work in school, I improved tremendously and got into junior college, a school that was the best for my growth! I grew a lot under the care of amazing teachers in that school.
This was supported by my parents, who would share guidance from Ikeda Sensei and assured me that if I practise Sensei’s guidance and pray sincerely, I could overcome my problems. Inspired by their mentor and disciple spirit, I started to seek Ikeda Sensei directly too and put his guidance into practice.
However, I often found myself just 1-2 marks away from my goals and dreams, despite working extremely hard in my studies. I felt inadequate and was sometimes convinced that my efforts would not be reflected in reality.
This guidance by Sensei spoke directly to me:
“Effort and hard work construct the bridge that connects your dreams to reality. Those who make steady efforts are full of hope. And hope, in turn, arises from steady efforts. Embrace your dreams and advance as far as they can take you!”
I was reassured that all my efforts would not go to waste, and I would surely become capable!

The Determination to Smile
Besides academics, I also faced health challenges that I have managed to overcome through chanting.
I have been sickly since young due to eczema and asthma. I was allergic to numerous food and materials — such as shellfish, chicken, fur, feathers and cold drinks — that would cause rashes and blisters on my hands along with asthma attacks. If I ate a few prawns, pus would ooze out of my hands. My mother recalled how I would ask her if I would ever recover. She told me it was my mission to overcome these ailments, and through chanting, I would be able to bring forth the strength and good fortune to do so. Although I have not completely recovered now, I am no longer allergic to chicken and have developed a stronger immune system. My condition also does not hinder my quality of life, allowing me to participate in my school and Gakkai activities. Unleashing a strong life force through my Buddhist practice has allowed me to live life to the fullest.
In October 2023, I found out that my mother had stage 2 breast cancer. Naturally, I was shocked and did not know how to react. However, I was grateful that my mother was able to have a timely diagnosis, leading to early treatment. I believe that my mother’s dedication to her faith had led her to be protected in this way.
Furthermore, she does not have any serious side effects such as nausea or infections from chemotherapy.
The day after I found out about my mother’s condition, I had a discussion meeting and Fife and Drum Corps training session to attend. I thought to myself, “Wouldn’t it encourage others that I am still able to do my best despite what I am going through, attending activities cheerfully instead of being pessimistic and despondent?” I deeply cherished one of the eternal guidelines that Ikeda Sensei dedicated to young women — “Be cheerful suns of happiness”. I made a determination to smile whenever I went for meetings, even among my struggles. I was determined to not let this affect how I live my life.
As Sensei teaches,
“Real life is filled with an unending series of problems, including such things as financial troubles, sickness and family disharmony. But even though, at such times your circumstances may seem unfortunate on the surface, if you keep chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo throughout, you will definitely be able to transform all that is negative into something positive in accord with the Buddhist belief of ‘changing poison into medicine’. You can ride out every difficulty, turning it into an opportunity for growth.”
With deep gratitude to Ikeda Sensei, I have been chanting earnest daimoku every day to build a strong life state with the following prayers:
- Do well in my studies to show the power of practising Buddhism
- Balance my school and Gakkai commitments to live a fulfilling life
- To be a cheerful sun of happiness
- Quick and most effective recovery for my mother and good health for my family
Nichiren Daishonin says, “No one can avoid problems, not even sages or worthies.” (WND-1, p. 681) Ikeda Sensei explains, “Since we cannot avoid them, we must overcome them!”
No Compromise is Possible
As I grow in my Buddhist practice and actualise my human revolution, I have also started chanting for others, shifting away from a self-centred practice. This started when I was an NDP trainer in 2022. I chanted sincerely for my fellow trainers and participants, praying for the good health of everyone, success of every training session and unity of group members. When a participant tripped and fell, sustaining a knee injury, I was worried for her, knowing how much she wanted to perform after weeks of rushing from work to training. I chanted half an hour of daimoku every day specifically for her recovery. She was touched by my sincere efforts, and promptly informed me when she had clearance from her doctor to perform. I felt so much joy from this journey of supporting one person till she won! With this spirit, I continue to chant for the happiness of the people around me.
I am also determined to win on all fronts of my life. When I was younger, I planned to miss some Gakkai activities to take on part-time jobs. However, my parents guided me strictly yet compassionately that I should not compromise my commitment to Gakkai activities, as they are solid training grounds for polishing my life and creating positive causes for my future.
Taking this advice, I took up a job to tutor A-level biology with good remuneration from the comfort of my own home among my busy schedule, and actively participate in Gakkai meetings on top of my studies. This has also allowed me to gain financial independence, and contribute to the SGS member contribution fund from my own earnings.
Even with a few extracurricular activities, tutoring, and active participation as a district leader, I have managed to score well in my studies and fufil my role as a student.
I will renew my determination to maintain a strong life force and spread positivity to the people around me as a “cheerful sun of happiness” in the family, SGS and community. Taking on a new mission as a Chapter Leader this year, I vow to forge genuine friendships and joyfully advance with my comrades and youth for a youthful Soka Gakkai worldwide.
(Adapted and revised from Creative Life, January 2024)