The First Exhibition of My Sculptures

Xin Xiaochang
Young Women Division Chapter Leader, joined SSA in 2006
In 2005, while studying abroad in the U.K. to become an artist, I lost my sister to cancer. She was only 29 years old. Her death made me wonder why she had to die so young. I began to think about more fundamental and general questions related to life and death and how one should live one’s life. While I was struggling to find answers to these questions, a friend who was an SGI member reached out to me and encouraged me to learn more about SGI and Nichiren Buddhism. As I studied Nichiren Daishonin’s writings and read SGI President Ikeda’s guidance, I became persuaded that I could overcome any obstacle with this faith and decided to join the SGI.
From then on, I gained an entirely new perspective on life. I vowed to achieve an indomitable state of life, not to be swayed by changing circumstances and to lead a fulfilled life on my sister’s behalf. Looking back, her death gave me a chance to awaken to my true mission in life. As I became more aware of my own mission, my career path also seemed to open up. In 2010, I was able to hold an exhibition of my own artwork in Singapore and other countries.
As an artist, I feel that we can create art by infusing our spirit in the things that surround us. My artwork conveys messages to society through designs that are cute and casual. Based on the joy of practising this faith, I will continue to advance on the path of happiness together with my sister, whose image remains in my heart, while sharing my experience with as many people as possible.
(Reference from December 2014 issue of SGI Graphics)