The Ultimate Source of Spiritual Strength

Ho Shun Jie
Young Men Division
In 2011, I opened the Buddhist altar in my house for the first time and started chanting while my family members slept. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I chanted.
My mother introduced me to Nichiren Buddhism when I was in my teens. However, being young and confident, I felt that I could resolve all my problems on my own and did not see a need for the Buddhist practice.
After I completed my national service, I got involved in direct selling. Starting from a junior position, I worked my way up until I reached the top tier in the companies I represented. To develop myself further, I attended leadership and motivation training. I gradually gained enough experience and became a speaker in my industry.
However, in 2011, I encountered an issue at work that I could not resolve. I had a disagreement with my colleague over managerial decisions for the company. Being in a managerial position, I felt that I would not win the support of my directors and my subordinates. I wondered why I could not overcome this issue, despite having gone through all the trainings.
Just when I thought that the only way out for me was to leave the company and lose all that I had built over the years, I thought of Nichiren Buddhism. I had witnessed my mother’s human revolution after taking faith – the change in her temperament and how it had led to better relationships with me and others. I decided to give the Buddhist practice a try.
After chanting that first night, I gradually became calm, and my thoughts cleared. I had the realisation that instead of putting the blame on the situation or people around me, I should take full responsibility and attempt to overcome the problem.

I began chanting consistently for a breakthrough in my situation. I actualised my human revolution and started attending discussion meetings. I realised I could manage my work challenges and stress better. Within six months, my team’s performance improved, and I regained the trust of my directors.
Seeing the actual proof of faith and wanting to repay my debts of gratitude, I began to attend and contribute to the discussion meetings and other kosen-rufu activities more regularly and proactively. I also took up the mission of a district leader in 2018.
In 2016, I decided to start a company dealing with the distribution of wellness products. The company grew fast, and as a start-up we were able to make substantial profits and even expanded our office to include an event hall.
Just as the business was reaching its peak, the Covid-19 pandemic struck. Facing the uncertainty of how long the pandemic would last, most of our new partners and some leaders of the company left. Revenue was greatly affected, and the company was running at a deficit, with losses as high as five digits monthly. It was an emotionally challenging period for me, as I needed to look after the well-being of my family and my staff.
Closing the company to cut losses was not an option for me, as I thought it would be unfair to the customers who trusted us and even more so to the people who have been working under me throughout the years.
Ikeda Sensei wrote,
“Society is constantly changing. Though we may experience failure in business, we mustn’t fail as a human being. It isn’t what happens in business that defeats us; rather, it is our own weaknesses. We allow ourselves to become despondent, to escape from reality, to give in to despair. Such a mind-set leads to self-destruction. Faith is the ultimate source of spiritual strength that enables us to encourage and inspire ourselves.”
(The New Human Revolution Volume 15, “Flowering” chapter)
Based on faith and prayers, I was determined to overcome my business struggles. I chanted consistent daimoku everyday to achieve success and breakthrough for my company and everyone’s happiness. Through studying the Gosho (Writings of Nichiren Daishonin), I learnt that when we confront challenging circumstances through faith, we are able to unleash the unlimited potential within ourselves.
Overcoming the situation was not immediate. However, with faith, practice and study, I persevered and saw a breakthrough six months later in January 2021, when my business began to pick up again. My company is making progress towards returning to pre-pandemic results. Despite the struggles, my company achieved the status of a SME 500 Singapore Company in 2020 and 2023.

With immense gratitude, I became a chapter leader in December 2022 and a Future Division In-charge (FDIC) in 2023. From merely seeking to create a breakthrough in my life, I am grateful that I discovered a way of living a more enriched life by making a difference in the lives of others. By fostering the youths in my chapter and the teens in the FD, I hope to empower them with the ability to ride out all challenges in life through faith and emerge stronger, just as I did.
Moving forward, I vow to be a true disciple and make continuous progress in life and kosen-rufu. I will win in all areas of life, while resolutely following and upholding the teachings of Nichiren Daishonin and the three founding presidents of the Soka Gakkai.
(Adapted from July 2024 issue of Creative Life)